Work Life Integration-Concept-Definitions-Trends-Theories

Work Life Integration-Concept-Definitions-Trends-Theories

For decades scholars and practitioners have worked to develop and integrate work–life. The topic of work–life has evolved into one of the most significant business issues of the 21st century.Rooted in the history of women’s rights and equal opportunity in education and the workplace, the notion of work–life has shifted in focus from solely a woman’s concern to a workforce management issue

Work-life enrichment research: A review and agenda for future research

Work-life enrichment research: A review and agenda for future research

Work-life enrichment, defined as the transfer of resources and affects from one role to another, has long remained in the shadow of the concept of worklife conflict. Several processes for work-life enrichment, for instance instrumental and affective, have been identified. Commitment to the family role predicts work-to-family enrichment (WFE), while commitment to the work role predicts family-to-work enrichment (FWE). Gender, personality and social support are other antecedents of work-life enrichment. WFE is positively associated with job satisfaction and FEW with family satisfaction. An agenda for future research suggests conducting qualitative, longitudinal and contextualized research.