Multidisciplinary, International, Inclusive

  • Global Wo.Men Hub promotes equality at work and co-responsibility at home for women in partnership with men;
  • We believe that a culture of collaboration between women and men at work and at home will bring effective changes in the gender equality agenda.

Inspire, Connect, Empower

The Hub’s achievements are propelled by committed volunteers and financial backing from stakeholders. Over the last four years, we served our audience through in-depth academic analysis across various themes (explore our academic resources in the menu), engaging newsletters (check out our GlobalflashInitiatives menu), insightful blog posts, and interactive webinars.

Our primary focus is on fostering connections among stakeholders and advocating for initiatives that effectively promote gender balance and work-life integration through collaboration between women and men. What truly distinguishes us is our collaborative spirit between women and men. To sustain our work, we rely on your generous contributions. Take a moment to make a difference by clicking the DONATE button and contribute to shaping a cooperative society.


Inspire, Connect, Empower

The Global Wo.Men Hub is an International Multidisciplinary Data driven Research and Analysis Hub; an EU and International Projects driven Action Tank; an Education and Training Hub for Women in Partnership with Men in a Society in Transition.

Members are physical persons as well as legal persons (academia, associations, corporations, etc.)


Raffaella Folgieri
Raffaella Folgieri

GWMH Vice-President and Assistant Professor and Researcher at Università degli Studi di Milano

Luc Castan
Luc Castan

GWMH President-Executive Digital Catalyst IT & Business

Isabelle de Hennin
Isabelle de Hennin

Executive Coach and GWMH Bpard Member

Our Activities

The different working groups of the Hub works together with public authorities, industries, individuals, social organizations, academia to achieve a culture of collaboration between women and men in their professional and private life in a society in transition.

Research & Analysis

This working group will promote existing research and analysis and and create a network of experts from different fields to develop multidisciplinary research.

Projects Development

This working group aims at facilitating access to funded projects by public authorities, foundations or private companies.

Training & Education

This working group will promotes existing trainings modules and develop others for organisations  on the objectives of the Global Wo.Men Hub.


This working group aims first at creating the credibility and visibility of Global Wo.Men Hub at EU and international levels.


A huge THANK YOU to our members for making this movement a success.

Delia Manzanero-Spanish Writer and Full Professor of moral, social and political Philosophy

Project: Teaching philosophy in prison

Delia received the innovactoras award in 2023. She has indeed taken an innovative action. The Development Cooperation, Global Citizenship and Human Rights Project: “Philosophy in Prison. Learning to think, knowing how to live”, which she coordinates, is an innovative project in Spain. It tries to combine the theoretical perspective with the practical one and is based on the realisation of periodical Workshops of initiation to practical philosophy in prison.

Based on the work of Concepción Arenal, as a crucial reference to initiate an effective penitentiary reform in Spain, each month an existential problem (love, sex, loneliness, death, justice, freedom, fear…) is reviewed through a session of exposition and debate and another of a practical nature, showing the keys of its philosophical analysis and training the beneficiaries of the penitentiary centre on how to use these keys in everyday life to successfully deal with stressful or difficult situations associated with such problems. The workshops are led by professors from different disciplines, such as philosophy, psychology and law.

Her aim is to contribute both to the improvement of the individual well-being of the inmates and to the improvement of coexistence in the penitentiary centre. To this end, this project aims to provide the community of inmates of the prison with useful tools for the development of their life in prison through the practical teaching of philosophy, favouring aspects such as self-knowledge, decision-making or the management of emotions and impulses.

“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare,
it is because we do not dare that things are difficult”
– Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Global Wo.MEN HUB

Rue général Lotz, 7/4

1180 Brussels


+32 472 42 98 46