
Inmaculada Antúnez… The face of an extraordinary woman

Inmaculada Antúnez… When ‘Be wicked, be brave’ is the novel of a true life

A woman, military officer, commander of the Armed Forces, doctor in human rights, author of the novel ‘Be wicked, be brave’, expert in jihadist financing.

We can say that Inmaculada Antúnez, today’s protagonist in Mujeres Valientes, is one of the most respected voices in the field, as she is one of the people who knows the most about ‘financing international terrorism and its impact on security and defence’, as she titled her thesis, published just a few months ago.

Inmaculada Antúnez has been the only woman to hold the position of Head of Resources and Finance for the European Union Commission in Somalia.

What strikes us most about her professional and life trajectory is the perfect interweaving that has made her the woman she is. A knot that is impossible to separate and that has led to a book that has been a catharsis for her.

‘Sé malvada, sé valiente’, published by Editorial Media Luna, is the result of a total liberation because she has been able to overcome a part of her childhood to forge a professional path that has led her to discover the woman she has become and is.

READ in Mujeres Valientes


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