Our Events/Nos événements


NEXT WEBINAR is planned for November 2024: subject: Work-Life Integration

NEXT TRAINING is planned for September/October 2024: subject:Artificial Intelligence for Manager: On Line Training-Prepare yourself for an AI driven Future

We will send the details in due course

DateSpeakerDescription of the event
23 Arpil 2024Heli Parna,
Project Manager

Atelier de sensibilisation et de formation sur les risques liés à la sexualité en ligne. Dans le cadre du projet Erasmus+ OnSafe, le Digital Leadership Institute (DLI), en collaboration avec le coordinateur du projet, le Centre de recherche et d'innovation pour les sciences sociales et éducatives, a élaboré un atelier axé sur la compréhension et la prévention des risques en ligne liés à la sexualité.VIDEO: Atelier de sensibilisation et de formation sur les risques liés à la sexualité en ligne
21st March 2024Katja Legisa,
Managing Director Digital leadership Institute

Erasmus+ Project: Training and Awareness Workshop on Sexually related Online Risks. As part of the Erasmus+ Project OnSafe , The Digital Leadership Institute (DLI), in collaboration with the project coordinator, the Research and Innovation Centre for Social and Educational Sciences, has designed a workshop focused on understanding and preventing sexually related online risks

VIDEO: Erasmus+ Project-Training and Awareness Workshop on Sexually related Online Risks
29 February 2024Helena Demuynck,
Transformation Guide for Conscious Women Leaders

Overcoming Communication Challenges between Women and Men: A Roadmap Through Conversational Intelligence® Helena Demyunck, leading this session, explored the art and science of conversation, illustrating how it serves as a potent vehicle for change and connection. Helena, a transformation guide specializing in elevating the success of high-achieving women, collaborates closely with executives and entrepreneurs through one-on-one coaching, retreats, and online group coaching programs, focusing on women's empowerment and leadership.

VIDEO: Overcoming Communication Challenges: A Roadmap Through Conversational Intelligence®
5 December 2023Prof.Dr. Nuria Chinchilla,
Professor of Managing People in Organizations at IESE Business School (Barcelona, Spain;
Event moderated by
Prof Dr Benoît Rihoux,
full professor at UCLouvain of political sciences

Women in Leadership: Integrating all the dimensions of Life in your Lives. Prof.Dr. Nuria Chinchilla, Professor of Managing People in Organizations at IESE Business School (Barcelona, Spain), University of Navarra, holds the Carmina Roca and Rafael Pich-Aguilera Women and Leadership Chair. Together with Pilar Garcia Lombardia & Esther Jiménez Lopez, she published a book in 2022 on synergetic leadership entitled: by the Hands of the Best, key to synergetic Leadership translated into English in autumn 2023. The aim of the online seminar is to describe with practical examples how those women achieved work-life integration with a high position in society. The seminar will be accompanied by the intervention of the audience, an exchange of views and future perspectives.

VIDEO: Women in Leadership-By the Hands of the Best
3 October 2023Michaela Jamelska
Technology and Innovation Senior Expert and Founding member of N.O.V.A, a US Start up for the future research powered by AI

Advancing Gender Equality and Human Rights in AI Development. we discussed possible methods that can be translated into inclusive and transparent AI design processes. How can we achieve innovative and positive interactions between women/men and AI systems to increase benefits for gender equality development and reduce risks? How can AI better serve and benefit gender equality and all sectors of the world? Or how can AI’s positive potential be maximized while anticipating its negative ethical, gender equality and human rights repercussions? how can we, as women and men, positively drive AI development and how we can be an active part in shaping the world of tomorrow.

VIDEO: Advancing Human Rights and Gender Eqiuality in AI Development
3 March 2022Magali Anderson,
Chief Sustainability and Innovation Officer Holcim, Member of the Board

Inspiring Women in the Industry: Changing Mindsets to drive New Thinking. As Chief Sustainability and Innovation Officer of Holcim, Magali Anderson explained her experience in Women in Leadership

Inspiring Women in the Industry: Changing Mindsets to drive New Thinking.
8 March 2021Marco Hellemans,
Specialist in international business development and cultural intelligencH

Gender Equality in the World. We analysed the sources of male dominance, its evolution and the profound changes taking place in many countries towards a better balance between women's and men's roles. We will see that gender (in)equality is strongly linked to education, religions and cultural differences. We will discover which countries are more and less egalitarian, the sources of these differences, and how these are translated at home, at work, or in social life

VIDEO:Gender Equality in the World
11 February 2021Jean Magne
co-Author of the book "fascinante IA"
Valérie Gautard,
Researcher-engineer in mathematics and informatics-Insitute of research and fiundamental laws of the universe

Fascinating AI: Opportunities and challenges. Progress in computing and the explosion of data has opened up astonishing prospects for mankind in many fields: the development of science, robotics enabling the exploration of naturally inaccessible areas, improved comfort, intercommunication and medicine. We can be rightly astonished at the extent of the help that technology brings us daily. However, all this technique, which some people call artificial intelligence (or A.I.), if it already provides us with many services, can have perverse effects.

VIDEO: Fascinating AI:Challenges and Opportunities
2nd December 2019
Practical Solutions for a Work Life Balance-physical conference.
Most of the inequality comes from the stereotyping of roles, duties and professions based on gender. For women to empower themselves, they need practical support from men at home, coaching and mentoring for both women and men understanding how to balance work and home adequately. For gender equality to become a reality, men and women must work together collaboratively (teamwork).

VIEDO:Practical Solution for Work Life Balance-Work Life Balance and Digitalisation

VIDEO: Practical Solutions for Work Life Balance-Life impact on work
Thursday 23 and Friday 24 May 2024 (from 9h30 to 13h00 and from 14h00 to 16h00)

Thursday 30 and Friday 31st May 2024 (from 9h30 to 13h00 and from 14h00 to 16h00)
Prof and Researcher Raffaella Folgieri
Teaching and research area: Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality in particular the exploration of cognitive mechanisms, learning approaches, emotional and mental states, interpersonal, B2B (Brain to Brain) and B2M (Brain to Machine) communication, with the the aim of designing new co-evolutionary paradigms and exploring the mechanisms of human and human-machine interaction.

Artificial Intelligence for Manager: On Line Training-Prepare yourself for an AI driven Future

Module 1: Understanding Artificial Intelligence (2h)

Module 2: Machine learning and big data (2h)

Module 3: Natural Language Processing (NLP 2 hours)

Module 4: Overview of AI Tools (2h)

Module 5: Ethics and Legal Considerations (2h)
GWMH members: 80 Euro-8 Euro/hour
Non-members: 100 Euro-10 Euro/hour

Global Wo.MEN HUB

Rue général Lotz, 7/4

1180 Brussels




+32 472 42 98 46

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