EU Gender-Based Violence Survey: Key Results

EU Gender-Based Violence Survey: Key Results

This report released, on 25 November 2024 by the European Institute for Gender Equality, presents, for the first time, selected key results of the EU gender-based violence survey based on data from all 27 Member States. Across the EU-27, 114 023 women were interviewed about their experiences. The report focuses on the prevalence of various forms of violence against women in the EU.

Stable Homes

Stable Homes

This title is a tautology. The term home already implies the concept of stability. Just as it is assumed that a home is a place where people develop healthily because they have a safe, strong and intimate family environment. Curiously, however, something is not right when more and more schools are setting up mental health services for children and adolescents; and according to the World Health Organisation, in 2021 one in seven young people aged 10 to 19 suffered from a mental disorder, with depression, anxiety and behavioural disorders being the main causes.

Women=Victim? Men=Aggressor?

Women=Victim? Men=Aggressor?

Every morning we wake up to debates about victims, aggressors, rights, false allegations… It is surprising, on the one hand, how many facts and figures are given, which are unrelated to each other and even contradict each other. In social networks such as Twitter, we witness a dance of information and denials, of unmasked hoaxes, of communiqués and declarations. Many of us wonder who to believe, what figures are authentic and how to check the veracity of the data. With posttruth installed in all spheres and ease of manipulation, what studies can we believe?