Filter CategoriesAllEducation and TrainingFeminity and MasculinityGender EqualityLeadershipMaternity and PaternityResearch and Analysis GeneralWomen in History and in LawWork-Life IntegrationSort By DateTitleExcerptDate 16 November 2023 Impediments faced by Female Leaders in Kenya in 2006-2016: a... Leadership, Optional This study examines specific impediments that faced women in leadership in Kenya from the period 2006-2016 and how these obstacles... 16 November 2023 Actas de la primera jornada interdisciplinar : el genio oculto-por la... Optional, Women in History and in Law In 1988 two American historians, Bonnie S. Anderson and Judith P. Zinsser, wrote a book History of women, a story of their own.... 16 November 2023 Redes comerciales y estrategias matrimoniales Optional, Women in History and in Law Piedad de la Cierva earned her degree in Sciences from the University of Valencia in 1932. That same year she moved to... FollowFollowFollowFollow Global Wo.MEN HUB Rue général Lotz, 7/4 1180 Brussels Belgium +32 472 42 98 46
Filter CategoriesAllEducation and TrainingFeminity and MasculinityGender EqualityLeadershipMaternity and PaternityResearch and Analysis GeneralWomen in History and in LawWork-Life IntegrationSort By DateTitleExcerptDate 16 November 2023 Impediments faced by Female Leaders in Kenya in 2006-2016: a... Leadership, Optional This study examines specific impediments that faced women in leadership in Kenya from the period 2006-2016 and how these obstacles... 16 November 2023 Actas de la primera jornada interdisciplinar : el genio oculto-por la... Optional, Women in History and in Law In 1988 two American historians, Bonnie S. Anderson and Judith P. Zinsser, wrote a book History of women, a story of their own.... 16 November 2023 Redes comerciales y estrategias matrimoniales Optional, Women in History and in Law Piedad de la Cierva earned her degree in Sciences from the University of Valencia in 1932. That same year she moved to...
Filter CategoriesAllEducation and TrainingFeminity and MasculinityGender EqualityLeadershipMaternity and PaternityResearch and Analysis GeneralWomen in History and in LawWork-Life IntegrationSort By DateTitleExcerptDate