by Christine Marlet | Oct 24, 2024 | All, Gender Equality, Work-Life Balance/Integration
María Ángeles Noguera is the founder of OFA, a Dutch-Spanish consultancy firm, which has been helping families, companies and the public sector to reconcile work and family life for many years. She speaks to us about improving our work life balance
by Christine Marlet | May 7, 2024 | All, Domestic Violence for both Women and Men, Fatherhood-Motherhood-Children Education, Women and Men Cooperation at Home
This title is a tautology. The term home already implies the concept of stability. Just as it is assumed that a home is a place where people develop healthily because they have a safe, strong and intimate family environment. Curiously, however, something is not right when more and more schools are setting up mental health services for children and adolescents; and according to the World Health Organisation, in 2021 one in seven young people aged 10 to 19 suffered from a mental disorder, with depression, anxiety and behavioural disorders being the main causes.
by Christine Marlet | Feb 3, 2024 | All, Work-Life Balance/Integration
On Monday when I was flying to London for our Annual General Meeting I read in a newsletter that it is necessary to leave behind those people who, on your way to achieving your goals, do not let you move forward, On Monday when I was flying to London for our Annual General Meeting I read in a newsletter that it is necessary to leave behind those people who, on your way to achieving your goals, do not let you move forward,
by Christine Marlet | Dec 4, 2023 | All, Women and Men Cooperation at Home
the home is ‘the open space for the silent flowering of the human’.‘the most hidden, private, safe and comfortable place for the ‘I’ (self), where it is sheltered from the natural world, to which it belongs as its most intimate refuge, and where it addresses the world and the ‘other’, opening itself to transcendence’.
by Christine Marlet | Nov 27, 2023 | All, Women and Men Cooperation at Home
The key thinking here is the recognition of how the home is the starting point for healthy neighbourhoods.the future not just of the buildings, but for the changing needs of residents. Human connectedness is a natural process and cannot in the end be engineered, but it can be assisted by empathetic and informed development choices.
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