Paternity Leave, Gender Equality and the UK Economy

Paternity Leave, Gender Equality and the UK Economy

This report is a collaboration between the economics think tank the Centre for Progressive Policy (CPP), the global movement Women in Data@ and the charity and campaigning organisation Pregnant Then Screwed (PTS). It explores the economic and health impacts of extending the statutory entitlement to paternity leave and pay, including through its impacts on gender equality in the labour market.

In conversation…with EMPREPAS

In conversation…with EMPREPAS

Let us not forget, moreover, that facilitating a balance between life, work and family enables gender equality because it leads to a culture of co-responsibility, cooperation and equity, as well as fostering true inclusion and diversity. Men and women do not have to put aside their own characteristics to have equality but rather enhance them for their complementarity. This also helps to foster intergenerational wealth, which is good for everyone.

Get inspired by the ‘scary hour’ for efficient e-mail handling

Get inspired by the ‘scary hour’ for efficient e-mail handling

The modern world offers us a multitude of digital tools to keep us constantly connected. However, this hyper-connection can often result in a feeling of being overwhelmed by the incessant flow of emails and information, hindering our productivity and well-being Here’s a simple strategy for getting to grips with this aspect of our professional and personal lives.

Why are we afraid of change?

Why are we afraid of change?

Change holds out the promise of lots of exciting things: new things, improvements to what already exists, opportunities to learn, opportunities to produce value… We know it, we’re convinced of it and in principle we’re up for it… Yes, but when it comes to implementing change, we discover that we’re much more resistant than we imagined. But why then ?



On Monday when I was flying to London for our Annual General Meeting I read in a newsletter that it is necessary to leave behind those people who, on your way to achieving your goals, do not let you move forward, On Monday when I was flying to London for our Annual General Meeting I read in a newsletter that it is necessary to leave behind those people who, on your way to achieving your goals, do not let you move forward,

Work-Life Balance Has Failed Us – But Harmony Could Be the Future

Work-Life Balance Has Failed Us – But Harmony Could Be the Future

The concept of “work-life balance” has been the dominant paradigm for integrating our personal and professional lives for decades.Based on my research, personal experiences, and coaching women leaders, I have come to realize that balance may not be the most optimal or significant approach when it comes to managing our time between work and family responsibilities.