Freedom of Expression and Misinformation: The Dual Faces of Technology in the Digital Age

Freedom of Expression and Misinformation: The Dual Faces of Technology in the Digital Age

In the landscape of modern communication, the concept of freedom of expression has undergone significant evolution. In today’s digital era, the dynamics of this freedom have been both amplified and complicated. The internet has become a tool for free speech, allowing voices from all corners of the globe to be heard. However, this freedom comes with a darker side. The shadow side of this right becomes evident when considering the ease with which anonymous individuals can spread misinformation and defamation

The Numbers Don’t Lie: The Reality of Limited Technology Access for Women

The Numbers Don’t Lie: The Reality of Limited Technology Access for Women

The fight for women’s rights has been a long and arduous journey, marked by significant achievements and setbacks. Women’s right to vote, secured by the suffragette movement, was a major milestone in this struggle. However, despite these achievements, gender inequality persists in various forms, ranging from the gender pay gap to limited access to technology. This article sheds light on data and statistical information that reveal the extent to which women’s access to technology is still limited.