A Mainstream Consensus on the State of Men

A Mainstream Consensus on the State of Men

Masculinity is not a problem to be solved, as Equimundo seems to think, but a way of being that needs to be channeled in directions that are both good for men themselves and for society. We do need a more expansive vision of what it means to be a man, but replacing the “Man Box” with a different yet highly restrictive and less natural idea of masculinity is not the answer. 

Stop Penalising Boys for being Boys

Stop Penalising Boys for being Boys

By denying the gender-based differences in the way children learn, we are pathologizing and incapacitating boys in a way that will cause harm to them and society over the long term. This puts us in a cycle of misdiagnosing and overmedicating little boys. Educational leaders must take steps to reduce penalization for masculine behavior in school so that the gender disparity in education can begin to become rebalanced, and our boys can once again thrive academically, socially, and mentally.

Paternity Leave, Gender Equality and the UK Economy

Paternity Leave, Gender Equality and the UK Economy

This report is a collaboration between the economics think tank the Centre for Progressive Policy (CPP), the global movement Women in Data@ and the charity and campaigning organisation Pregnant Then Screwed (PTS). It explores the economic and health impacts of extending the statutory entitlement to paternity leave and pay, including through its impacts on gender equality in the labour market.

In conversation…with EMPREPAS

In conversation…with EMPREPAS

Let us not forget, moreover, that facilitating a balance between life, work and family enables gender equality because it leads to a culture of co-responsibility, cooperation and equity, as well as fostering true inclusion and diversity. Men and women do not have to put aside their own characteristics to have equality but rather enhance them for their complementarity. This also helps to foster intergenerational wealth, which is good for everyone.

Together, let’s shape a favourable environment for women’s entrepreneurship: Memorandum 2024 – 2029

Together, let’s shape a favourable environment for women’s entrepreneurship: Memorandum 2024 – 2029

In the economic landscape of Wallonia and Brussels, women entrepreneurs face very real challenges. To meet these challenges and create an environment more conducive to their success, the 2024-2029 Memorandum has been drawn up. This pragmatic document aimed at the authorities and political parties proposes concrete solutions to overcome the obstacles identified in the annual Barometer of Women’s Entrepreneurship.