About GWMH
JOIN THE hubOur Vision
Making equality a reality in all areas for all women and men across the world.
Equality between Women and Men
Women and men are human beings, characterized by having the same rational nature (intelligence and will-freedom). Hence, women and men are essentially equal and have exactly the same rights.
What we mean by equality:
Cooperation to have the right mix between women and men in all areas and particularly at work,
- Co-responsibility in the parenthood,
- Respect for women and men specificities,
- Interculturality.
Making the above-mentioned equality a reality in all areas for all women and men across the world is our vision.
Our Mission
We want to shift from the existing opposition between man and woman, the sole awareness raising of problems and rights reclamation to communication, mutual understanding, respect, cooperation and practical solutions.
Global Network
To develop into a global network promoting existing concrete initiatives and projects around the better inclusion of all women and men in society.
To emerge as a think tank by realising multidisciplinary research connecting universities, public authorities, corporations and non-profit associations to achieve an inclusive society in practice.
Training & Education Hub
To mature into the promotion and/or creation of training programmes (collective and individuals, for corporations and educational centers) on an inclusive society.
Our Goal
Achieve a culture of collaboration between men and women in their professional and private life in a society in transition. Thereby, we inspire new ideas, openness and adaptation to change as well as constructive projects across the world and we shift into a collaborative culture in society, between women and men.
Our Objectives
Our 4 objectives interacts with each other. Indeed Pillar one aims at changing the mentality in relation to the women at work. This means an evolving private life where the partners are called to be co-responsible in the private sphere as well as in the professional field. The change of mentality and of life will enhance well-being at work and at home as well as the capacity and the willingness for the women to take part in decision-making process and promote specific policies.
Enhance Education and Research
- Enhance multidisciplinary research for cooperation between women and men in the workplace and in private life
- Create and boost training modules for corporations, schools, public sector and associations to achieve gender equality through men and women cooperation
- Mentoring and coaching , i.e., coach the Men Bosses of the Mothers, Couple coaching and mentoring
Professional Life-Enhance Gender Equality at Work
- Make work-life balance/integration a reality.
- Create a culture of mutual understanding and collabration between women and men.
- Empower women in leadership.
- Empower women to become entrepreneur.
Private Life - Co-Responsibility in the Parenthood
- Define the changing role of motherhood and fatherhood.
- Enhance effective communication between women and men at home.
- Prevent domestic violence for women and men.
- Enhance the contribution to society of the Stay at home Mother or the Stay at Home Father.
- Empower Men at Home
Promote Specific Policies
- Increase the participation of girls in STEM industries across the world.
- Steer digital literacy and digital transformation among women of all ages, life situation.
- Promote Women in Leadership in Companies
- Promote Women in entrepreneurship
Our Priorities
Act on Education
Promote Entrepreneurship
Measure reciprocity between women and men in the Workplace to show its socio-economy value
Our Structure
GWMH is an ASBL under Belgian Law.
The association is governed by a General Assembly.
The General Assembly has full powers to achieve the goals and activities of the association.
In particular, the following points are reserved to its competence:
- amendment of the Articles of Association;
- the appointment and dismissal of directors;
- the appointment and dismissal of the auditor and the fixing of his remuneration;
- the discharge to be granted to the directors and the auditor;
- approval of the annual accounts and budget;
- to dissolve the Association; the exclusion of a member;
- transforming the ASBL into an AISBL, a cooperative approved as a social enterprise and a cooperative approved as a social enterprise;
- making or accepting the contribution of a universality free of charge;
- define the types of members;
- The membership fee;
- Adoption of internal regulations.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors has all the powers of management and administration, subject to the powers of the General Assembly. It may delegate day-to-day management to its chairman, and / or to one or more director (s) or to one or more agents whose powers it will determine. The association is administered by a Board of Directors composed of a minimum of 3 members.
The Current Board
Luc Castan, BE
Executive, Digital catalyst, IT & Business, President
Michaela Jamelska, Cz
Technology and Human Rights Consultant
Isabelle de Hénin, BE
Executive Coach
Raffaella Folgieri, IT
Vce-President Professor and Researcher, Universita degli Studi, Milano
Benoît Rihoux, BE
Full Professor in Political Science, University of Louvain, Belgium
Christine Marlet, BE
Communication Director GWMH
Luigi Della Sala, IT
Proposal Drafter and Coordinator,
Jessica Johnson, BE
Communications & EU Stakeholders Director at European Atomic Forum (FORATOM)
Charter of Fundamental Values
The principles and values of Global Wo.Men Hub are:
Collaboration, Partnership, Collegiality
“Collegiality” is a shared authority and responsibility between two or more people who work together.
Strict rigorous scientific research and integrity in the actions.
Listening and respect for the opinion of the other members, mostly in case of disagreement.
No one in the hub may be discriminated for his/her opinions and/or convictions and/or corporate policy as well as for his way of living and/or life situation.
Each single member thinks by him/herself and express his/her thinking without fear. Having debates where contradictory opinions may be expressed without backlash will lead to constructive solutions.
Every single member is responsible for the research and projects that he /she carries out; ideas and results that he/she promotes orally and in written under the umbrella of the Hub.
Our Story
From the European Women Forum to the Global Wo.Men Hub
Creation of a New Brand Networking
Brainstorming Document Draft Strategic Action Plan
Public Consultation
234 Stakeholders Contacted
35 Written ResponsesPhysical Workshop Agreement on Vision-Mission and Objectives
Name changed into Global Wo.Men Hub
Statutes amended 4 working groups set up
Start of the working Group Activities