Ann Mc Creath Innovactoras in Art and Design

by | Feb 23, 2021 | All, Women in Entrepreneurship | 0 comments

Ann McCreath has been recognised as woman “innovactoras” i.e., as Today’s innovators with the attitude and aptitude to build a better world from different realities of the 21st century: Science, Technology, Business, Education and Society. “Innovactoras won the WSIS Prize winner in 2020 for category 11- International and regional cooperation. The WSIS prizes represent the year’s most innovative and high-impact projects from around the world that demonstrate the vital role of ICTs in achieving the United Nations.

Ann McCreath achieves the following sustainable development goals: Goal 10: reducing inequality, Goal 12: sustainable production and consumption, Goal 08: economic growth, Goal 09: infrastructure, ODS, STEAM, South.

Designer, active cooperator, multi-artistic creative and free spirit, always on the move!

She fell in love with Kenya working for Médecins sans frontières (MSF) and decided to stay there. Ann is the organizer of Fashion Revolution Day in Kenya, the founder of the famous Festival of Africa Fashion & Arts (FAFA), and the creator and director of Kikoromeo (Adam’s apple in Kiswahili,) an award-winning pioneering fashion company in Kenya that she leads with her daughter Iona, an invincible couple!

Back in 2008 she founded the “Peace Patches” project generating income for women displaced by violence, recycling waste fabrics and providing them with very basic tools. It also enabled art therapy and was a pilot project for refugee camps.

A teacher and mentor to new creators, she converted her KikoRomeo workshop into a space for creation, a “coworking” where young people who design, share knowledge and are granted access to  textile machines. She promoted the “Fashion Focus”, weekly training meetings for designers and aspiring fashion designers with fashion professionals. She has also trained Maasai women to create fashionable embellishments in recycled denim jackets, as part of a campaign against poaching….

Ann McCreath has enjoyed a great influence on Africa since her “A” in STEAM: she is listed in Arise magazine’s “100 Women Changing Africa” and is one of the 20 most influential stylists in Kenya’s Instagram network. In her highly visual “Engage” talk, Ann tells how the “Power of Fashion” has made her what she is today. Come and see!

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