MANdatory – why men need (and are needed for) gender equality progress

MANdatory – why men need (and are needed for) gender equality progress

While much progress has been made towards gender equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace, education and society, recent years have also revealed continuing challenges that slow or halt this progress. To date, the majority of gender equality action has tended to approach gender equality from one side: being focused on the need to remove barriers for girls and women

Taxing reproduction: the full transfer cost of rearing children in Europe

Taxing reproduction: the full transfer cost of rearing children in Europe

What are the intergenerational resource transfer contributions of parents and non-parents in Europe? Using National Transfer Accounts and National Time Transfer Accounts for 12 countries around 2010, we go beyond public transfers (net taxes) to also value two statistically much less visible transfers in the family realm: of market goods and of unpaid household labour (time). Non-parents contribute almost exclusively to public transfers. But parents additionally provide still larger private transfers: mothers mainly time, fathers mainly market goods.

Quand les femmes s’éveilleront… Valérie Colin-Simard

Quand les femmes s’éveilleront… Valérie Colin-Simard

La psychothérapeute Valérie Colin-Simard nous montre combien le « féminin » est vital, nécessaire à l’équilibre physique et psychique. « Oser le féminin », c’est ne plus seulement vouloir être rentable, efficace, accumuler des biens et des pouvoirs. C’est aussi assumer la vulnérabilité, accepter la passivité, savoir recevoir et pas seulement donner.

Work Life Balance and Fatherhood

Work Life Balance and Fatherhood

Fathers struggle between the desire to be involved fathers (spending time and engaging with their children during the working week) and their role as the main breadwinner in the family (facing and managing the demands of “greedy” organizational culture