Change your relationship with money for greater fulfilment

Change your relationship with money for greater fulfilment

I’m an entrepreneur, I love it and it’s my choice. I’ve followed all the training courses to the letter, I respect the financial plans, I practise the ‘law of abundance’, I have an ironclad mindset and I master the laws of marketing like nobody else!.In short, I tick all the boxes of the good student. And yet… Some women entrepreneurs ask themselves: “Why isn’t my business taking off?

Relief Assistance to Vulnerable Women and marginalized People During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Nepal

Relief Assistance to Vulnerable Women and marginalized People During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Nepal

The global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which began in late 2019, has put humanity and civilization in an unthinkable and challenging scenario. This crisis has harmed hard-won development gains while exacerbating pre-existing and chronic issues, including poverty, hunger, and unemployment. On March 24, 2020, the Government of Nepal (GON) announced a nationwide lockdown, affecting all social and economic activity in the country.

COVID-19 and Period Poverty in Vihiga County

COVID-19 and Period Poverty in Vihiga County

Malkia Foundation is trying its best, but our reserves are almost finished now. Before COVID, we used to serve 4,000 girls every year by making provision for menstrual hygiene management supplies to them. COVID doubled our numbers and without donors, wellwishers, partners and collaborators, not a single girl will be able to access a single sanitary pad for a single month for a long time to come.