Gene Therapy-Gloria Gonzalez

by | Dec 14, 2023 | All, Women Input in STEM | 0 comments

From the website Innovactoras

Gloria is one of the world’s leading researchers in a very new field, gene therapy, and she explains it as if it were child’s play.

She did her doctoral thesis at the CSIC and then worked in New York with pioneering researchers in the search for new vaccines and treatments for malaria. He joined the CIMA (Centre for Applied Medical Research) and later directed the Gene Therapy of Viral Hepatitis laboratory. She also teaches and supervises theses.

Gloria has found a way to beat a rare disease, Wilson’s disease. To put it very simply to make her task understandable: DNA is a very stable molecule that can be manipulated, cut and pasted to make it capable of correcting a missing gene. What Gloria does is to empty a virus of its malignant content and introduce “therapeutic DNA” so that it can be carried into the nucleus of cells. The therapy has already been approved as an orphan drug in the US and the US. If all goes well, the treatment could be available to patients in 2024.

Vivet therapeutics has been set up for this development. How must it feel to cure a disease for which there was no cure? And to turn viruses from demons into angels? Look how simply he tells the story!

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