Caring at home for those with extra needs

Caring at home for those with extra needs

We want to dedicate this new 2021 Communication project to all those homes where people live with disabilities. We have entered these homes to learn about the difficulties that the people who inhabit them experience every day. We want to honour all those family members who give so much of themselves so that their children, their parents or their grandparents live with dignity. We want to engage with professionals working in this field on how to deal with such a situation.

Caring at home for those with extra needs

A Deeper Understanding of Disability is Rooted in the Home

The home, as we have experienced from months of lockdown due to Covid, is pivotal in our understanding of ourselves and others. All the prejudices of our understanding, especially when it comes to disabilities, are gleaned from the home. And those prejudices are reinforced, for example, by television dramas. But parents, relatives, friends and those who work with people with Down’s syndrome follow a very different storyline.

When Rain Caused Our Ceiling To Collapse

When Rain Caused Our Ceiling To Collapse

In three weeks time, five storms hit the Philipines, three of them destroyed our infrastructure, displaced people, denuded farms, and more.With all these 21 typhoons visiting the country and disturbing national peace this year, not to mention the number of earthquakes in between, there is COVID-19 in the equation. Our frontliners and rescuers are overworked, underpaid, stressed, and unappreciated. This is a call for CLIMATE JUSTICE. To those in power who are making climate decisions, I hope you do not look at statistics as mere numbers, but as real people with survival stories.

Post-Pandemic Homes

Post-Pandemic Homes

While working from home has been seen as beneficial for those otherwise commuting into the cities, it has been detrimental for those dependent on such commuters – office cleaners, receptionists, cab drivers, restaurant and catering staff. These are typically some of the lowest-paid roles and their loss is all the more serious as a consequence. The place this is felt first is in the home.