Freedom of Expression and Misinformation: The Dual Faces of Technology in the Digital Age

Freedom of Expression and Misinformation: The Dual Faces of Technology in the Digital Age

In the landscape of modern communication, the concept of freedom of expression has undergone significant evolution. In today’s digital era, the dynamics of this freedom have been both amplified and complicated. The internet has become a tool for free speech, allowing voices from all corners of the globe to be heard. However, this freedom comes with a darker side. The shadow side of this right becomes evident when considering the ease with which anonymous individuals can spread misinformation and defamation

Chasing Fulfillment Through Our Wildest Visions

Chasing Fulfillment Through Our Wildest Visions

As high-achieving women, we’ve been conditioned to prioritize the needs of others above our own. While caregiving roles are invaluable, they can also subtly discourage us from pursuing wholehearted self-actualization.Without making a conscious effort, it’s easy to lose sight of our personal dreams amid the demands of family, career and societal expectations.But self-actualization matters deeply. Only when we have clarity on who we are and what lights our soul on fire, can we find the sustainable fulfillment that fuels long-term momentum



On Monday when I was flying to London for our Annual General Meeting I read in a newsletter that it is necessary to leave behind those people who, on your way to achieving your goals, do not let you move forward, On Monday when I was flying to London for our Annual General Meeting I read in a newsletter that it is necessary to leave behind those people who, on your way to achieving your goals, do not let you move forward,

Work-Life Balance Has Failed Us – But Harmony Could Be the Future

Work-Life Balance Has Failed Us – But Harmony Could Be the Future

The concept of “work-life balance” has been the dominant paradigm for integrating our personal and professional lives for decades.Based on my research, personal experiences, and coaching women leaders, I have come to realize that balance may not be the most optimal or significant approach when it comes to managing our time between work and family responsibilities.