Post-Feminism: Synergistic Feminism

Post-Feminism: Synergistic Feminism

I present in this post the inspiring story of Eiko Hashiba, a Japanese banker who left her position to take care of her baby… and created a financial empire 10 years later. Having to resign from her position at Goldman Sachs made her question why consultants like her could not be outsourced, so as to have the possibility to integrate family and professional life. This was what she had in mind when, 10 years later, she founded VisasQ, of which she is CEO.

Women=Victim? Men=Aggressor?

Women=Victim? Men=Aggressor?

Every morning we wake up to debates about victims, aggressors, rights, false allegations… It is surprising, on the one hand, how many facts and figures are given, which are unrelated to each other and even contradict each other. In social networks such as Twitter, we witness a dance of information and denials, of unmasked hoaxes, of communiqués and declarations. Many of us wonder who to believe, what figures are authentic and how to check the veracity of the data. With posttruth installed in all spheres and ease of manipulation, what studies can we believe?

Women’s Golden Age

Women’s Golden Age

The most powerful way we have to achieve the necessary improvements is to continue working, and not in any way, but to work to get to the root of the conflict, to diagnose with knowledge of the cause where its origin lies and to be able to design a roadmap that allows us to solve it together with men.