Post-Pandemic Homes

Post-Pandemic Homes

While working from home has been seen as beneficial for those otherwise commuting into the cities, it has been detrimental for those dependent on such commuters – office cleaners, receptionists, cab drivers, restaurant and catering staff. These are typically some of the lowest-paid roles and their loss is all the more serious as a consequence. The place this is felt first is in the home.

COVID 19-Parents getting more involved with their children: is a symbolic revolution beginning?

COVID 19-Parents getting more involved with their children: is a symbolic revolution beginning?

Parenthood is in transition. In recent years, the number of minutes fathers devote to their children has increased, men’s participation in the perinatal period has grown, whether in gynecological visits or birthing classes, and a genuine interest in wanting to be more involved in childcare has blossomed. However, there is still a way to go.