Our Events/Nos événements

TRAINING-Preparing Individuals for the AI Driven Future-April/May 2024

 On line Course on Artificial Intelligence for Non-Programmers

10 hours in two days


  • 11 and 12 April 2024 (from 9h30 to 13h00 and from 14h00 to 16h00)
  • 26 and 27 April 2024 (from 9h30 to 13h00 and from 14h00 to 16h00)
  • 16 and 17 May 2024 (from 9h30 to 13h00 and from 14h00 to 16h00)

Professor: Dr. Raffaella Folfieri, Universita delli Studi di Milano


  • GWMH members:           80 Euro-8 Euro/hour
  • Non-members:              100 Euro-10 Euro/hour
On Line training: eteam link will be provided one week before the event and after payment

The program is tailored for individuals lacking prior coding experience and is designed to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Enhancing AI literacy among non-programmers to dispel fears and misconceptions, fostering a positive and informed public discussion on AI’s impact.
  2. Enabling adaptation to the dynamic technological landscape, allowing non-programmers to make meaningful contributions to their respective fields by providing fundamental knowledge of AI technologies and tools.
  3. Creating new career possibilities by helping individuals transition to roles requiring collaboration with AI teams or managing AI projects.
  4. Assisting managers, executives, and decision-makers in evaluating the feasibility, risks, and potential benefits of implementing AI solutions within their organizations.
  5. Facilitating improved collaboration with experts by providing individuals with a foundational understanding of AI concepts, terminology, and limitations.

In summary, this AI training course for non-programmers serves the purpose of fostering a broader comprehension of AI, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration, supporting strategic decision-making, and preparing individuals for an AI-driven future.

Lecturer: Professor and Researcher Raffaella Folgieri at Università degli Studi di Milano

Experience: Teaching and research area: Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality in particular the exploration of cognitive mechanisms,  learning approaches, emotional and mental states, interpersonal, B2B (Brain to Brain) and B2M (Brain to Machine) communication, with the the aim of designing new co-evolutionary paradigms and exploring the mechanisms of human and human-machine interaction.

Please click here for the details

Webinar " Overcoming Communication Challenges between Women and Men: A Roadmap Through Conversational Intelligence®" 29/02/2024

Date: 29 February 2024 from 12h00 to 13h15

Speaker: Helena Demuynck, Coach

On Line Webinar: eteam link will be provided one week before the event

Join us for a 30-minute journey through the landscape of conversational intelligence, followed by a 25-minute interactive Q&A session, where we will address your specific questions and challenges. Together, we will chart a course towards a more understanding and cooperative future, breaking through the barriers of gender communication and paving the way for true partnership and progress.

Judith E. Glazer: “Getting to the next level of greatness depends on the quality of the culture, which depends on the quality of relationships, which depends on the quality of conversation.
Everything happens through conversation!

One of GWMH’s objectives is to improve communication effectiveness between women and men in both professional and personal spheres. Through this webinar, our goal is to empower participants with tools and insights to transcend traditional communication barriers between women and men.

The CreatingWEInstitute, founded by Judith E Glazer, an American author, academic, business executive, and organizational anthropologist, focuses on leveraging language and conversations to cultivate trust, strengthen bonds, foster growth, and forge partnerships that can transform societies. Conversational Intelligence® provides insights into the intricate workings of our brain, offering practical tools, examples, and conversational rituals to enhance our daily communication.

Helena Demuynck, leading this session, will explore the art and science of conversation, illustrating how it serves as a potent vehicle for change and connection. Helena, a transformation guide specializing in elevating the success of high-achieving women, collaborates closely with executives and entrepreneurs through one-on-one coaching, retreats, and online group coaching programs, focusing on women’s empowerment and leadership.

“Navigating the Gender Dialogue: A Roadmap Through Conversational Intelligence®” is not just a webinar!— t’s a stride towards a new paradigm of gender communication in both professional and personal domains. We invite you to participate in this transformative experience


Webinar-"Training and Awareness Workshop on Sexually related Online Risks" 21/03/2024

Date: Thursday 21st March 2024- from12h00 to 13h15

Speaker: Katja Legisa, Managing Director Digital Leadership Institute

Eteam link will be provided one week before the webinar

 Join us for a 45-minute exploration of this critical subject for our children and young people, followed by a 25-minute interactive Q&A session where we will address your specific questions and challenges.

The workshop aims to empower individuals, including children, youth, and adults, with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to prevent exposure to sexually related online threats.

The interactive nature of the workshops allows participants to learn how to respond effectively to potential threats.

“In an era dominated by digital interactions, it is vital to comprehend the potential threats that exist online and to acquire strategies for effective response.”

 As part of the Erasmus+ Project OnSafe , The Digital Leadership Institute (DLI), in collaboration with the project coordinator, the  Research and Innovation Centre for Social and Educational Sciences, has designed a workshop focused on understanding and preventing sexually related online risks.

These risks include:

  1. Sexting: consensual or non-consensual sending or receiving of sexual images and/or texts via . mobile and other devices (including appearing in such images) among peers
  2. Sextortion: means of coercing victims to perform sexual favours or to pay a hefty sum in exchange for the non-exposure of their explicit images, videos, or conversations
  3. Non-consensual intimate image abuse: the online distribution of sexually graphic photographs or videos without the consent

A specific goal of the Global Wo.Men Hub is to enhance the inclusion of women in STEM fields and promote healthy digitalization. Sexually related online risks present a challenge for women and children (both boys and girls).

Katja Legisa, Managing Director of the Digital Leadership Institute, will provide training on sextortion.

Online sexual risks have become a reality for everyone, particularly for young people and children. As parents (and grandparents), it is essential for us to be aware of the online risks to which young people are exposed, enabling us to provide assistance.





Webinaire-Atelier de sensibilisation et de formation sur les risques liés à la sexualité en ligne-23/04/2024

Date: 23 avril 2024 de 12h00 à13h15

Formatrice: Katja Legisa, Directrice générale de Europen Leadership Institute

Un lien etam vous sera envoyé une semaine avant l’événement

L’atelier vise à fournir aux individus, y compris aux enfants, aux jeunes et aux adultes, les connaissances, compétences et outils nécessaires pour prévenir l’exposition aux menaces en ligne liées à la sexualité.

La nature interactive des ateliers permet aux participants d’apprendre à réagir efficacement face aux menaces potentielles.

Nous vous invitons à vous joindre à nous pour une exploration de 45 minutes de ce sujet crucial pour nos enfants et nos jeunes, suivie d’une session interactive de questions-réponses de 25 minutes au cours de laquelle nous répondrons à vos questions et défis spécifiques.

“Dans une ère caractérisée par des interactions numériques omniprésentes, il devient essentiel de prendre conscience des menaces potentielles présentes en ligne et de développer des stratégies efficaces pour y faire face.”

Dans le cadre du projet Erasmus+ OnSafe, le Digital Leadership Institute (DLI), en collaboration avec le coordinateur du projet, le Centre de recherche et d’innovation pour les sciences sociales et éducatives, a élaboré un atelier axé sur la compréhension et la prévention des risques en ligne liés à la sexualité.

Les risques identifiés comprennent :

  • Sexting : envoi ou réception, consensuels ou non, d’images et/ou de textes à caractère sexuel via des appareils mobiles ou autres, y compris le fait d’apparaître sur ces images, entre pairs.
  • Sextorsion : moyen de contraindre les victimes à accomplir des actes sexuels ou à verser une somme importante en échange de la non-exposition de leurs images, vidéos ou conversations explicites.
  • Abus d’images intimes non consensuelles : diffusion en ligne de photographies ou de vidéos à caractère sexuel sans le consentement de la personne concernée.

L’un des objectifs spécifiques du Global Wo.Men Hub est d’améliorer l’inclusion des femmes dans les domaines des STIM et de promouvoir une numérisation saine. Les risques sexuels en ligne représentent un défi particulier pour les femmes et les enfants (garçons et filles).

Katja Legisa, directrice générale du Digital Leadership Institute, animera une session de sensibilisation et de formation  sur la sextorsion.

Les risques sexuels en ligne sont devenus une réalité pour tous, en particulier pour les jeunes et les enfants. En tant que parents (et grands-parents), il est crucial que nous soyons conscients des risques en ligne auxquels les jeunes sont exposés, afin de pouvoir les aider.


Global Wo.MEN HUB

Rue général Lotz, 7/4

1180 Brussels




+32 472 42 98 46

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