
Inspirar, Conectar, Potenciar

El Hub está abierto a belgas y extranjeros, tanto a personas jurídicas legalmente constituidas según las leyes y costumbres del Estado al que pertenezcan, como a personas físicas.

Entre las entidades jurídicas miembros se incluyen:

  1. Grandes empresas;
  2. Consultorías;
  3. Instituciones públicas y parapúblicas;
  4. PYME que cumplen los criterios de las pequeñas y medianas empresas, tal y como se definen en la normativa europea;
  5. Asociaciones sin ánimo de lucro locales, regionales, europeas e internacionales activas en el ámbito de la mujer y el género;
  6. Centros o grupos de investigación universitarios;
  7. Centros de enseñanza primaria y secundaria;
  8. Enseñanza superior: Colegios no universitarios.


Artículo 5 y 6 de los Estatutos de GWMH Los miembros o sus representantes tienen derecho a asistir a la Asamblea General y cada uno dispone de un voto. Los sustitutos tienen derecho a asistir a la Asamblea General y el representante del miembro sólo tiene un voto en ausencia del representante respectivo.Para mantener su condición de miembro, todos los miembros deben pagar una cuota anual definida por el Consejo de Administración y aprobada por la Asamblea General. El Consejo de Administración decide sobre la admisión de nuevos miembros. En su Asamblea General de 2023, la Asamblea General determinó las cuotas de afiliación:

  • Contribución financiera O
  • Contribución en especie

  • Conviértete en Embajador Linkedin del Hub

  • Alimentar las redes sociales (Instagram o Facebook o Twitter)

  • Conviértete en promotor de asociaciones/membresías para el Hub


Participar activamente en un Grupo de Trabajo

Otras contribuciones

Redactar un artículo para el Blog- al menos 2/año

Proporciona una suscripción gratuita a una plataforma electrónica (mailchimp, Eventbrite)

Ofrecer salas de reuniones o espacio de co-working

Organiza un acto online o presencial

Proporcionar contacto con formadores y ponentes

Proporcionar artículos académicos

Ser ponente y/o formador pro bono

Nuestro directorio de miembros corporativos


Carmina Roca and Rafael Pich-Aguilera Women and Leadership ChairThe Carmina Roca and Rafael Pich-Aguilera Women and Leadership Chair investigates strategies that facilitate the integration of women in the workplace.

As the first Chair in Europe to study female leadership, the Chair’s mission is to influence business culture and thinking decisively through a humanist paradigm that highlights the complementarity of women and men in business management.

Among its activities are the organization of research seminars, academic conferences, debate forums between academics and business leaders, focused program courses, and the publication of books.
Carmina Roca and Rafael Pich-Aguilera Women and Leadership Chair
CollectiveupCollectiveUP is a team of international, multi-cultural, disciplinary-diverse members who bring alive initiatives that benefit individuals and communities, including associations, organizations, companies (profit & non-profit), families, schools, neighborhoods, cities, municipalities and society in general.
Digital leadership InstituteThe Digital Leadership Institute is a Brussels-based, international NGO and a recognised world leader in promoting greater participation of girls and women in strategic, innovative ESTEAM (Entrepreneurship & Arts powered by STEM) sectorsDigital Leadership Institute
European Centre for Women and TechnologyThe European Centre for Women and Technology (ECWT) is a European multi-stakeholder partnership of more than 130 organizations from all around Europe and not only. ECWT serves as a European single point of contact for information, collection and analysis of data, research, and the development of appropriate methodological tools to attract more girls to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), for nurturing and retaining women in the knowledge economy through industry and entrepreneurial careers, promoting the female talent to provide added value to ICT solutions, supporting more female ICT business start-ups and consolidating the largest network for closing the Digital Gender Gap in Europe.European centre for Women and Technology
Female Wave of ChangeFemale Wave of Change (FWOC) is a global movement with a clear mission that intends to create a better world for all; a more connected, more conscious, more sustainable, and more humane world. We believe that we can reshape the future by using our feminine values and feminine energy. By guiding women from all walks of life to step into their Authentic Feminine Leadership we will be able to lead positive change and create a legacy to be proud of for generations to come. FWOC offers women a safe place where they can be their authentic self, be economically empowered and grow into the changemakers the world desperately needs right now. Together we actively create a more sustainable world based on human values, on compassion, on collaboration and abundance; a world where we celebrate diversity and create equal opportunities for all.Female Wave of Change
Gift Women Link FoundationGift Women Link Foundation (GWLF) was established in 2008. It is located at Kidodo; Kasese is centre development region of Uganda. They want to Empower women in rural communities from grass root through active participation for sustainable development. They Ensure Development excellence in technical sustainable and technology services for self-reliance of women in rural communities Kasese District.Gift Women Link Foundation
Home Renaissance FoundationHome Renaissance Foundation promotes a greater recognition of the work that goes into creating healthy and congenial home environments. Individuals grow and develop at home, so it is in society’s best interests to look after it.Home Renaissance Foundation
Nucleareuropenucleareurope is the Brussels-based trade association for the nuclear energy industry in Europe. nucleareurope acts as the voice of the European nuclear industry in energy policy discussions with EU Institutions and other key stakeholders. The membership of nucleareurope is made up of 15 national nuclear associations representing nearly 3,000 firms.NuclearEurope
Malkia FoundationMalkia Foundation was established in 2002 as a Community Based Organisation called The Centre For Disadvantaged Girls, and later registered as an NGO with it's current name: Malkia Foundation. ‘Malkia’ means ‘Queen’ in Swahili, we use this name because we believe that every female is a queen and has the right to be treated as such. Based out of Vihiga County in Western Kenya, Malkia Foundation was created to help make the lives of disadvantaged girls and women in the community better by empowering them with educational opportunities and skills for enterprise development. Our programs are anchored on five pillars: education and training, poverty eradication, women’s health, women empowerment, and social enterprise development. We believe that anyone can improve their lot in life, given the chance and opportunity.Malkia Foundation

Nuestro Directorio de Miembros Individuales


First NameLast NameOccupationNationality
AnnastaciaOlemboConsultant-gender based violence and gender issuesKenya
AmandaSpeksOfficer Handläggare på NaturvårdsverketSweden
BenoîtRihouxProfessor political sciences-UCLouvainBelgium
BwambaleRwamanyonyiCEO Gift Women FoundationUganda
CatlynWilliamsonStay-at-Home MotherBelgium
ChristineMarletEU Affairs and Communication Director Global Wo.Men HubBelgium
ClaraGomez HernandezSocial and Gender Inclusion in Infrastructure Specialist in UNOPSSpain
ClaudeLoréaExecutive Cement Director-GCCABelgium
ColetteVeysPR and public affairsBelgium
DimitrisRaftopoulosEU Affairs Project ManagerGreece
EvaFabryDirector-European Centre for Women and Technology (ECWT)Sweden
FionaDurieConsultant at Edelman Global AdvisoryIreland
GéraldineVerbrugheExecutive Assistant & Relationship Manager Platsics EuropeBelgium
GillesGilletBusiness Developer for SMEsBelgium
GraziellaTonatoProject manager gift women foundationItaly
IngridGonnissenBoard MemberBelgium
IngunBolFounder Female wave of changeThe Netherlands
InmaculadaAlvaProfessor (History), University of NavarraSpain
IsabelleMaîtreDirector FNTR Brussels OfficeFrance
Isabellede HenninExecutive CoachBelgium
JacquelineUwimanaWomen opportunitiesThe Netherlands
JaneWathutaDirector Family Institute Strathmore University CollegeKenya
JeanArnaudCEO Open MindFrance
JessicaJohnsonDirector Communication ForatomUK
JudithHardtSenior Advisor Better Finance-Maître d'Enseignement Solvay Business School-certified coachBelgium
KatjaLegisaDirector inQube, Female Digital AcceleratorItaly
LilianaCarilloFounder and CEO CollectiveUPBelgium
LieselotDeclercqFounder D-TeachBelgium

LucCastanIT & businessBelgium
LuigiDella SalaProject writer and project managerItaly
LuizaFrumenziCo-Founder One Policy PlaceUK
MagaliAndersonLafargeHolcim-Vice-President Health and SafetyFrance
MariaFountiProfessor, National Techncial University of AthensGreece
Maria CruzDiaz de TeranProfessor (law), university of NavarraSpain
MarcGrauWork-Family ResearcherSpain
MarisaGilAssociate Professor at the Computer Architecture Department of the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)Spain
MichaelaJamelskaTechnology & Human Rights ConsultantUSA
NathalieTimmermanProfessor High school-certified coachBelgium
NoahKulaExecutive Director at African Ark College of Management SciencesUganda
NuriaChinchillaHead of the Carmina Roca y Rafael Pich-Aguilera. Chair of Women and LeadershipSpain
NourDuprezStudent UCLouvain-Political Sciences-Stagiaire GWMH 2021-2022Belgium
OlanikeOlugbojiConsultant sustainable developmentNigeria
PamelaAndandaProfessor of Law, University of the Witwatersrand, JohannesburgSouth Africa
PatriciaMurugamiBSCL Group Founder and CEOKenya
Priscilla Álamos-ConchaImpact Evaluation Senior Researcher - PhD in Political and Social SciencesChile
RandriakotoHobiniainaEMD management MarseillesMadagascar
Silwal SharmaBalkrishnaConsultant-right based rural development programme through a multidisciplinary teamNepal
Stefania NicoletaBratuProject manager consultant.Italy
StellaReschkeEU Affairs Manager, EP intergroup on climate change, biodiversity and sustainable developmentGermany
UlrikeUlrikeBehringerGlobal Account Manager Automotive, OnSemiconductorGermany
VialleLilouEMD management MarseillesFrance
EsterJimenezAssociate profesor-universidad internacional de CatalunaSpain
FernandaRodriguezPartner Alira healthArgentina
FloraDemaegdMaster in Development Studies, Graduate Institute of Geneva (IHEID)France
MarijaLabanauskaiteLarge Enterprise Business Development Manager at Girteka LogisticsLituania
Angelade MiguelProject manager and media relations Home renaissance FoundationSpain
RaffaellaFolgieriAssistant Professor in Cognitive Science
- Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and ICT -Universita degli studi Milano
LaurentGoffinonFounder of Your Own Revolution & ImphacktBelgium
Phionah MusumbaCEO Malkia FoundationKenya
PaulinePaganonOffice and Project Manager at FESIFrance

Global Wo.Men Hub

Rue General Lotz, 7/4

1180 Bruselas




+32 472 42 98 46

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