Universidad de Navarra – Studies on Women Online course

Mar 28, 2019

11 weeks- Start September 2019-Spanish language

Today, equality of opportunities between men and women is one of the priority objectives of the European Union. In fact, in May 2011, five years after the first European Pact for Gender Equality in 2006, the Council of the European Union, aware of the need to reaffirm and support the close relationship between the European Commission’s Strategy for the equality between women and men (2010-2015) and the Europe 2020 strategy, reaffirmed its willingness to comply with the European Union’s objectives on equality between women and men and adopted a second European Pact for Gender Equality (2011- 2020).


Objectives of the course:

  • To provide students with an interdisciplinary education on the contributions of women that allow them to know the past, interpret the present and thus know the future;
  • To train people capable of understanding the current world with a broad historical perspective, who make present the feminine contributions to History and culture in society.
  • To disseminate the main contributions of women in the world of human, social, legal, artistic and health sciences;
  • To promote the visibility of women in the university environment.


The course consists of 5 ECTS

Introductory session

The first module consists of 7 thematic units: “Pioneer”

The second module consists of 3 units: “Recent contributions”.


  1. Introduction. The woman in history.


  2. Pioneers in studies on women.
  3. Female suffrage in Europe and the USA.
  4. The conquest of public space: women in the University.
  5. The work of women in the health field.
  6. The woman in the plastic arts.
  7. Women in literature.
  8. The representation of women in the cinema.


  2. Woman and Development.
  3. Women in the world … how many are we?
  4. Women in the framework of the United Nations. Key components of empowerment.
  5. Women and political power

Costs: 325 Euro (see discounts on the website)

For more details: https://www.unav.edu/web/facultad-de-filosofia-y-letras/curso-online-estudios-sobre-la-mujer/presentacion

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